In addition, you can set text formatting for OpenType/TrueType fonts that include a range of ligature settings (where two or three letters combine into a single character), number spacing and forms, and stylistic sets (added font sets in a given font). You can expand or condense character spacing to create a special effect for a title, or re-align the position of characters to the bottom edge of the text-this is helpful for positioning the copyright or trademark symbols. Kerning works only with OpenType/TrueType or Adobe Type Manager fonts. You can use the Font dialog box to change the kerning setting for selected characters. Sometimes the space between two characters is larger than others, which makes the word look uneven. Kerning is the amount of space between each individual character that you type. Remember to use your shortcuts! Ctrl + O to go to the Open screen in backstage view or Ctrl + F12 to bypass backstage view and display the Open dialog box.Learn More Buy Changing Character Spacing You can now either create a very simple bullet list or open an existing document which already contains a list.Let me show you the little checkbox responsible for this annoyance and how you can fix it in a few seconds! Add spacing between list items When you apply paragraph spacing to a bullet or numbered list, sometimes the spacing is only applied above or below the entire list, not in between each item within the list. I use this feature constantly so here comes the annoying part. Paragraph spacing is a great way to add a little more space between your paragraphs.

Let me show you how to change the spacing between items in a list. I like to have my list items spaced apart a little, I don’t want them all squashed together. They help me to summarise information and make my text stand out.